1. 1. What is the use of heading tags? How many
heading levels are there?
Ans: Heading level displays text
by using a different font size. There are 6 levels of heading <H1> to
2. 2. Explain the use of <FONT> tag in designing
a web page.
Ans: The <FONT> tag lets you
change the size, color and style of a text segment. It is used for changing the
appearance of the text.
3. 3. Explain the use of <b>, <i> and
<u> tags with the help of an example.
Ans: The <B> tag is used to make
a text bold. Eg. <b> This text is bold </b>
The <i> tag is used to tilt
the text. Eg. <i> This text is italic </i>
The <u> tag is used to
insert a line below the text. Eg. <u> This text is underlined </u>
4. 4. Explain the use of the different attributes of
<BODY> tag.
Ans: The <BODY> tag defines all the contents of a web
page. The <body> tag includes:
Background: This attribute allows us to insert
an image as a background in the html document. Eg. <body background=”Filename.gif”>
Bgcolor (background color): Bgcolor is an
attribute, used to specify the background color of the web page. Eg. <body
bgcolor =”FF0000”>
Text: The text attribute is used to specify the
color of the text that appears within the web page. Eg. <body text=”purple”>
5. 5. Explain the difference between <sub> and
<sup> tags with the help of an example.
Ans: The <sub> tag is used to display the text as
subscript. The subscript text will
appear half a character height beneath the other characters. Eg. A2 à
The <sup> tag is used to display the text as
superscript. The superscript text will appear half a character height above the
other character. Eg. A2 à
6. 6. Write the use of <BASEFONT> tag.
Ans: The <BASEFONT> tag lets you define the basic
size, color and face for the font. This tag is used only once in the whole