Monday, January 31, 2022

Chapter 11. More on HTML


E. Answer the following questions.

1.       1. What is the use of heading tags? How many heading levels are there?

Ans: Heading level displays text by using a different font size. There are 6 levels of heading <H1> to <H6>


2.      2.  Explain the use of <FONT> tag in designing a web page.

Ans: The <FONT> tag lets you change the size, color and style of a text segment. It is used for changing the appearance of the text.


3.     3.   Explain the use of <b>, <i> and <u> tags with the help of an example.

Ans: The <B> tag is used to make a text bold. Eg. <b> This text is bold </b>

The <i> tag is used to tilt the text. Eg. <i> This text is italic </i>

The <u> tag is used to insert a line below the text. Eg. <u> This text is underlined </u>


4.      4.  Explain the use of the different attributes of <BODY> tag.

Ans: The <BODY> tag defines all the contents of a web page. The <body> tag includes:

(i)                  Background: This attribute allows us to insert an image as a background in the html document. Eg. <body background=”Filename.gif”>

(ii)                Bgcolor (background color): Bgcolor is an attribute, used to specify the background color of the web page. Eg. <body bgcolor =”FF0000”>

(iii)               Text: The text attribute is used to specify the color of the text that appears within the web page. Eg. <body text=”purple”>


5.       5. Explain the difference between <sub> and <sup> tags with the help of an example.

Ans: The <sub> tag is used to display the text as subscript.  The subscript text will appear half a character height beneath the other characters. Eg. A2 à A<sub>2</sub>

The <sup> tag is used to display the text as superscript. The superscript text will appear half a character height above the other character. Eg. A2 à A<sup>2</sup>


6.      6.  Write the use of <BASEFONT> tag.

Ans: The <BASEFONT> tag lets you define the basic size, color and face for the font. This tag is used only once in the whole document.


Sunday, January 23, 2022

Chapter 10: Introduction to HTML

Chapter 10
Introduction to HTML


E. Answer the following questions.

1. What is HTML?

Ans: HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to design and create a web page.


2. Write four features of HTML.

Ans: Four features of HTML are:

i)                    HTML is used to create web pages.

ii)                   HTML is a platform independent language.

iii)                 HTML is not a case sensitive language.

iv)                 HTML is easy to learn and use.


3. Define the terms: tags and attributes.

Ans: Tags are the labels which are used to mark up the start and end of an element.

Attributes always come after the tag name, each separated with one or more space. An attribute provide additional information about the HTML element used to create a web page.


4. Differentiate between container tags and empty tags.


Container tags

Empty tags

1. This tag has opening as well as closing tag.

2. Also called paired tag

Eg. <html> … </html>

<body> … </body>

1. It has only the opening tag

2. It is also called singular tag

Eg. <br>; <hr>; <img>


4. Write the structure of an HTML document.




Header section


<title>  Document header </title>


Body section

<body >




6. Define the terms: website and web page.

Ans: Website: A website is a collection of interrelated web pages that provide information to the user.

Web page: It is a page on the internet which contains the information in the form of text, graphics, or sounds.


7. What is a web browser?

Ans: A browser is a software application that enables the users to access, retrieve and view the information and other resources on the Internet.


8. Explain the two types of HTML documents.

Ans: HTML editors are the programs used to create web pages. The two most commonly used HTML editors are:

i)                    WYSIWYG Editors: WYSIWYG means What You See Is What You Get. It is not mandatory to have a complete knowledge of HTML. This allows the user to edit the HTML commands directly from the web browser. It helps the user to create the web page quickly.

ii)                   Text Editors: They are used by the users who have complete knowledge of HTML. The source code to create a web page are to be written in text editors. The two most commonly used text editors are Notepad and Word Pad.

9. Explain the steps to view an HTML document.

Ans: To view an HTML document:

i)                    Click Internet Explorer icon

ii)                   Click File à Open à Browse

iii)                 Choose the file and Click Open button.


10 . Explain the steps to create HTML document.


i)                    Click File à Save As.

ii)                   Type file name with .html as extension.

iii)                 Click the Save button.




Chapter 5. Modifying a Table (Second Part)

Teaching will be done on computer screenshare. Starting from   Merging Cells Questions and Answers 1. How do you merge and split cells? Ans:...